Natalie is an internationally performed poet whose work has appeared in The Write Launch, The Hickory Stump, Sheila-Na-Gig, Noon by Arachne Press, and ellipsis…literature & art, amongst others. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Central Florida, where she won the prestigious Outstanding Script Writer’s Award. Natalie writes poetry, short stories, and fantasy books. She is attending the editing certificate program at the University of Washington to pursue her dream of becoming a developmental editor. When she's not lost in a book or working on her fantasy series, she works as an interviewer for The Nasiona. Find her on Twitter @NatalieGasper.

Medium member since August 2021
Connect with Natalie Gasper
Natalie Gasper

Natalie Gasper

Writer I Poet I Reader I Daydreamer I My poetry is in dozens of journals. When I’m not writing books, I’m writing about writing. Twitter @NatalieGasper