
The Biggest Risk I’ve Taken

Refresh the Soul 30-Day Writing Challenge: September 17th

Natalie Gasper
4 min readSep 17, 2022


Image created by author in Canva

Prompt Day 17: What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? What gave you the courage to take that risk?

The biggest risk I’ve taken so far I took when I was 18. It was my second year as a lifeguard at a local lake. Nothing out of the ordinary ever happened there. For one of my fellow lifeguards, this wasn’t enough excitement. She was turning 20 and wanted to celebrate in a big way: she wanted to go skydiving.

And she wanted me to go with her.

My Scariest Day

Alex, as I’ll call her, was one of the lifeguards I most admired. She was beautiful, confident, and had a life plan. Alex was working her way through college and had big dreams. She was one of the cool kids, and I wanted to be her friend.

Until this point, we had been friendly but had never hung out. So when she asked me if I would go skydiving with her, I said yes.

Now, the part of me that said yes was not the rational part. It definitely wasn’t the part that was normally in control. Heck, I’d never even gone over the speed limit before, and here I was, volunteering to jump…



Natalie Gasper

Writer I Poet I Reader I Daydreamer I My poetry is in dozens of journals. When I’m not writing books, I’m writing about writing. Twitter @NatalieGasper